Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas at the Ludwig's

Well, Christmas at the Ludwig's means that you must eat. Did I say eat? No, you must eat until you bust or die whichever comes first.
The day starts with the opening of presents, and then we eat Christmas Bread. Christmas bread is a homemade white bread with chunks of candy fruit mixed in. Next is the eggs, bacon and juice. You can have hot chocolate if you are so inclined as well. This process takes several hours and there really isn't a lunch.
Now as the day progrsses the evening meal is made. As Kyler would say, "Beef, it's what for dinner." We had a 1/2 a cow or at least it looked like it. What you don't see as well is the potatoes that were the size of Idaho, OK Rhode Island. To finish the meal there Jell-o, sweet potatoes, and rolls. The last items on the table was the Swedish Torte (double size) and all the chips, dip, and nuts that you could down. Most of those were held in reserve until Christmas night as we were playing games. I don't even want to step on the scale. Needless to say the eating continues for days until all of the food is consumed.
I do have to say that the best part of the day was when we got to call Kohl on the phone. He sounds good, and we were happy that everyone got a chance to talk to him. Kira walked in just at the right time since we were just ready to hang up, so she even got a chance to talk.
Christmas is a great holiday.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

The Family

This is the Family!! I am now the short one in the middle back row. It seems a little strange looking up to my 2 oldest sons but now I have to since they both are at least 2 inches taller than I am.
I am the member of the family that has no ability to make anyone laugh. So if you are looking for a good laugh, look on Kyler's, Kira's, or Karie's Blogs.